AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Assign Geometry to Existing Datum

You can use the Assign Geometry to Existing Datum command when you have a logical data record with no geometry.

To assign geometry to an existing datum:

Note: Make sure you are in editing mode for the layer that you will be working with.
  1. Find the datum using the search function. Click the Search button and in the Search bar, enter the name of the datum.
  2. In the Search Results dialog that opens, click the Show Details button associated with the datum.
  3. In the Datum Attributes dialog that appears, click the Actions button dropdown and select Assign Geometry.
    Note: This option is only available if the current datum record does not have a spatial representation.
  4. You are now in editing mode and the digitizing tool is active. Click the map to place vertices. Double-click to finish drawing.
  5. Click Save to assign the new geometry to the datum.